Plants of Power




There are many ways to administer Ayahuasca, but all require a process of preparation, ceremony, and integration, following a specific method to catalyze the benefits of the medicine, customized to your characteristics and the environment around you.

We offer the method of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel of The Three Worlds & Four Directions, supported by scientific research, so that you can obtain the greatest possible benefits.

(ceremonies are performed only in countries where religious or legal use of this sacred remedies is permitted)

Learn about the ceremony preparation process
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Huachuma is a cactus from the Andes Mountains, also known as “Medicine of The Four Winds”. It was also baptized as Saint Peter by a priest at the time of European colonization, as it is believed that this plant offers the keys that open the doors of heaven.

We will review the health benefits of this natural medicine and use it to facilitate our connection with the Apus (energies of the mountains), to increase our state of presence, attention and concentration, and thereby enjoy the best and only time of our lives: the present moment

(ceremonies are performed only in countries and cities where religious or legal use of these sacred remedies is permitted)

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Sacred Mushrooms

Psychoactive mushrooms have been used in religious ceremonies around the world for millennia. In Algeria and Spain, for example, pictograms more than 6,000 years old found on murals and rock paintings, illustrate various mushrooms of these species native to the region.

Modern research on psychoactive mushrooms reveals that most participants perceive mystical experiences with benefits that last for months and bring increase in life satisfaction and a sense of deep well-being with high personal significance.

The ceremonial consumption of this sacred species is focused on discovering, understanding, and strengthening our instincts and, thus, harnessing and incorporating the intelligence that they possess in our daily lives.

(ceremonies are performed only in countries and cities where the religious or legal use of these sacred remedies is permitted)

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Santa Maria

Santa María is our favorite name for the plant species known as Cannabis or Marijuana, as this power plant has been used in religious, shamanic or spiritual contexts for over 2,500 years from the Pamir Mountains in Central and Southeast Asia, to the Indian subcontinent during the Vedic period of 1500-2000 BC. This plant has also influenced Greek mythology, which has  described it as a powerful remedy for anguish and pain.

From a scientific perspective, medical research is supporting the use of cannabis to ameliorate many symptoms and diseases.

During our program “Santa Maria: Universal Panacea” we explain the importance of its medicinal and ritual use within a healthy rhythm, a safe context, setting the right intention, and combining its use with creativity, meditation, physical practices, visualization, mantra recitation, prayers, reading mystical poetry, forest bathing or ceremonies around the Sacred Fire.

(ceremonies are performed only in countries and cities where the religious use or legal of these sacred remedies is permitted)

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The presence of cocoa in human civilizations is quite ancient, and given its tremendous importance, in the days of the Mayans and the Aztecs it was used as currency of exchange.

Cocoa is a gentle and loving plant that supports you and subtly invites you to browse and investigate your emotions.

During our cocoa programs, we learn about its history, religious, spiritual benefits, nutritional value and, together, we combine its wisdom with ancient and modern practices for healing and self-growth.

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Peyote is a small medicinal cactus native to northwestern Mexico, that has been associated with the strength of the desert, especially the Sierra Madre Occidental, the Chihuahuan desert and the southwestern United States.

The oldest evidence of Peyote consumption was found in Rio Grande, Texas, with specimens dating between 3780 and 3660 BC, indicating a consumption that goes back more than 5000 years, by the natives of North America, for ritual and medicinal use; promoting spirituality and the cure of various inflammatory and painful conditions. In Mexico, Peyote is guarded by the Huichol people who wander through the desert and travel the Wirikuta path, which is linked to the sacred spirit of this powerful plant.

In the same way, during our “Blue Dear Hikuri” program of pilgrimage through the deserts, we are guided by the ancestral Nagual and Tonal knowledge to obtain improvement of our emotional states, greater physical resistance, strength and healing.

(ceremonies are performed only in countries and cities where the religious use of these sacred remedies is permitted)

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Dr. Velazquez studies the work of, collaborates with, learns from, and/or simply acts as a ceremony participant with many guides (shamans, curanderos, curanderas, medicine men and women) from around the world. Dr. Velazquez and the guides she may be temporarily relating with do not always endorse each other's work style, preferences, rules, regulations, points of views, and opinions pertainingĀ  to the various fields of experiential and theoretical knowledge involved in the relationship. In the same manner, the guides relating to Dr. Velazquez often differ in many aspects among themselves and their individual relationships to Dr. Velazquez do not make them homogeneous in their ways of practicing, thinking and behaving, on the other hand, sometimes their lineages disagree significantly. If you have any questions about Dr. Velazquez's work or any specific guide, please contact them directly and separately to share your questions, comments, suggestions and obtain any necessary clarification.Ā